University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

The University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) is a small, research-intensive university. The main campus is located in Prince George, British Columbia. UNBC also has regional campuses in northern British Columbia in Prince Rupert, Terrace, Quesnel, and Fort St. John. The enabling legislation is the University of Northern British Columbia Act 1996. In the 2019-20 academic year, 3,570 students were enrolled at UNBC.


  • Morrison Undergraduate Scholarship in History (BA (Honours) History, BA)
  • Morrison Graduate Scholarship in History (MA History) 
  • Undergraduate History-Paper Prize (BA (Honours) History) 
  • History Department Award of Excellence ((BA (Honours) History, BA) 
  • Ann McQuaid Memorial Scholarship (BA (Honours) History, BA)


Business Administration (MSc) -
-- MSc in Business Administration offered by the school of business is designed to educate and train business professionals with advanced research skills knowledge in a specialized area: >Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Management & Marketing >Operations management/international business The MSc is a research-based degree with a thesis and is different from the MBA degree.The students in the program come from a wide variety of backgrounds, including business, resource development, mathematics, and the social sciences.

Category : Postgraduate

Master of Computer Science -
-- The computer science graduate program at University of Northern British Columbia provides a good opportunity for the students with different academic backgrounds and interest to experience scientific research in a friendly environment.Thesis and project options are available in this program The thesis option has, as a substantial component, the completion of an original research program, culminating in the preparation of a thesis, and will prepare graduates for careers in research or for further academic study.The project option provides training across disciplines particularly suitable to individuals with more defined career objectives, as well as provides a mechanism for non-traditional students.

Category : Postgraduate

MSc Health Science -
-- The aim of this Program is to provide opportunity for health professionals and others interested in working in the health fields with the knowledge and skills to conduct health-related research. The program provides students with relevant health research and critical appraisal skills, and opportunities to engage in a variety of health-related topics. Current students in the Program come from a wide variety of backgrounds. These include health professionals such as nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, and physicians, as well as graduates with a background in science and other relevant fields.

Category : Postgraduate

Msc in Mathematical, Computer, Physical, and Molecular Sciences -
-- Mathematical, Computer, Physical and Molecular Sciences (MCPMS) is one stream of the Master of Science degree in the College of Science and Management.Thesis and project options are available. The thesis option has, as a substantial component, the completion of an original research program, culminating in the preparation of a thesis, and will prepare graduates for careers in research or for further academic study. The project option provides training across disciplines particularly suitable to individuals with more defined career objectives, as well as provides a mechanism for non-traditional students (e.g. working students, teachers, and professionals) to upgrade their skills. The degree is expected to attract students from traditional science disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science.

Category : Postgraduate

MSc in Nursing -
-- The Master of Science in Nursing Program (Thesis or Project) leads to an advanced nursing practice degree that focuses on preparing graduates across a range of areas and specialties to act as autonomous practitioners.This program aims to prepare graduates as inter-professional collaborators, nurse researchers, leaders, educators, change agents, and role models.Graduates of this program will work in a variety of health care settings as clinical nurse specialists, educators, administrators, and researchers, and will work with diverse populations across all age groups. The course focuses on the integration of research, theory and advanced nursing practice.

Category : Postgraduate

Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering -
-- The Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Environmental Engineering features all aspects of environmental engineering with a focus on sustainable development, wastewater management, and remediation and reclamation of resource extraction sites. This program prepares graduates for a wide range of employment opportunities where the technical expertise and problem-solving skills of engineers are needed in conjunction with a strong awareness and understanding of environmental issues and problems. Students will study courses like General Chemistry I, General Chemistry II, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Linear Algebra, Materials and Energy Balance, Engineering Communication, Engineering Chemistry, Weather and Climate, Engineering Biology, Linear Differential Equations, and Boundary Value Problems, Probability, and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers, etc.

Category : Graduate

BSc in Computer Science -
-- The Computer Science program gives students a thorough exposure to basic areas like computer architecture, programming languages and methodology, algorithms and data structures, systems programming, operating systems and networking, knowledge-based and database systems, software engineering, and theory.The student will develop the advanced practical computing and problem-solving skills required for professional work in modern industry, based on a strong conceptual foundation and on insights into the nature of this rapidly changing field. Each student will use advanced development tools and will be encouraged to approach problem-solving from a multidisciplinary point of view The program emphasizes direct co-operation with industry.

Category : Undergraduate

Bsc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology -
-- The program combines the rigor of chemistry with the fascination of living systems and is, therefore, the traditional major for students with biomedical interests.The goal of biochemistry and molecular biology is to understand how simple, inanimate molecular interactions support life. Students begin their studies with a broad set of courses in the natural sciences. In the second year, biochemistry is introduced, leading to third-year explorations of DNA, the blueprint of life, proteins, the machines that make the bodies work, and a wide range of other molecular topics. The BCMB major also includes extensive training in practical laboratory skills, such as DNA fingerprinting, which are essential for careers in the natural sciences, criminal forensics, laboratory technician programs, and a variety of industries. One of the outstanding features of the BCMB program is the opportunity to work in research labs from the first day on campus. The program also helps students to achieve their career goals by encouraging minors in other disciplines.

Category : Undergraduate

Bsc In Forest Ecology and Management -
-- The Forest Ecology and Management degree provides students with a thorough understanding of the science, philosophy, and practice of managing forested ecosystems. Through study and active learning experiences, students will obtain a consistent and broad background in course work that encompasses foundational and integrative topics. Students will also be encouraged to challenge conventional knowledge paradigms and approaches to forest management. Students will study courses like Microeconomics, Introduction to Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Communications in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Weather and Climate, Terrestrial Ecological Classification, Resource Inventories and Measurements, Natural Resources, Environmental Issues, and Public Engagement, Disturbance Ecology and Forest Health, etc.

Category : Undergraduate

BSc in Wildlife and Fisheries -
-- The BSc in Wildlife and Fisheries provides students with a solid foundation in wildlife and fisheries biology, with considerable indoor and outdoor laboratory experience.It exposes students to an integrated approach to resource issues that confront today's professionals. The combination of theoretical and applied ecology with practical labs and exercises in the Wildlife and Fisheries degree gives students the background to pursue post-graduate studies and public- and private-sector employment in the wildlife or fisheries professions. Students completing all courses in the Wildlife and Fisheries degree meet the education requirements for eligibility as a Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio) in BC .

Category : Undergraduate

Eligibility criteria


4-year or 3-year Bachelor's degree with a teachable major or two teachable minors plus 30 additional credit hours of university-transferable coursework.(2.33 GPA)


UNBC Housing is a dynamic environment where opportunities to engage others, have fun, strive for academic success and feel like part of a community are paramount.Take advantage of UNBC Housing's 7-Day All-You-Care-to-Eat Meal Plan and see why UNBC is one's best choice for where to go to school! Their meal plan provides with unlimited access to healthy, hot and ready meals that will suit every schedule and meal preferences.


University Video

  • Morrison Undergraduate Scholarship in History (BA (Honours) History, BA)
  • Morrison Graduate Scholarship in History (MA History) 
  • Undergraduate History-Paper Prize (BA (Honours) History) 
  • History Department Award of Excellence ((BA (Honours) History, BA) 
  • Ann McQuaid Memorial Scholarship (BA (Honours) History, BA)

Business Administration (MSc) -
-- MSc in Business Administration offered by the school of business is designed to educate and train business professionals with advanced research skills knowledge in a specialized area: >Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Management & Marketing >Operations management/international business The MSc is a research-based degree with a thesis and is different from the MBA degree.The students in the program come from a wide variety of backgrounds, including business, resource development, mathematics, and the social sciences.

Category : Postgraduate

Master of Computer Science -
-- The computer science graduate program at University of Northern British Columbia provides a good opportunity for the students with different academic backgrounds and interest to experience scientific research in a friendly environment.Thesis and project options are available in this program The thesis option has, as a substantial component, the completion of an original research program, culminating in the preparation of a thesis, and will prepare graduates for careers in research or for further academic study.The project option provides training across disciplines particularly suitable to individuals with more defined career objectives, as well as provides a mechanism for non-traditional students.

Category : Postgraduate

MSc Health Science -
-- The aim of this Program is to provide opportunity for health professionals and others interested in working in the health fields with the knowledge and skills to conduct health-related research. The program provides students with relevant health research and critical appraisal skills, and opportunities to engage in a variety of health-related topics. Current students in the Program come from a wide variety of backgrounds. These include health professionals such as nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, and physicians, as well as graduates with a background in science and other relevant fields.

Category : Postgraduate

Msc in Mathematical, Computer, Physical, and Molecular Sciences -
-- Mathematical, Computer, Physical and Molecular Sciences (MCPMS) is one stream of the Master of Science degree in the College of Science and Management.Thesis and project options are available. The thesis option has, as a substantial component, the completion of an original research program, culminating in the preparation of a thesis, and will prepare graduates for careers in research or for further academic study. The project option provides training across disciplines particularly suitable to individuals with more defined career objectives, as well as provides a mechanism for non-traditional students (e.g. working students, teachers, and professionals) to upgrade their skills. The degree is expected to attract students from traditional science disciplines such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science.

Category : Postgraduate

MSc in Nursing -
-- The Master of Science in Nursing Program (Thesis or Project) leads to an advanced nursing practice degree that focuses on preparing graduates across a range of areas and specialties to act as autonomous practitioners.This program aims to prepare graduates as inter-professional collaborators, nurse researchers, leaders, educators, change agents, and role models.Graduates of this program will work in a variety of health care settings as clinical nurse specialists, educators, administrators, and researchers, and will work with diverse populations across all age groups. The course focuses on the integration of research, theory and advanced nursing practice.

Category : Postgraduate

Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering -
-- The Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in Environmental Engineering features all aspects of environmental engineering with a focus on sustainable development, wastewater management, and remediation and reclamation of resource extraction sites. This program prepares graduates for a wide range of employment opportunities where the technical expertise and problem-solving skills of engineers are needed in conjunction with a strong awareness and understanding of environmental issues and problems. Students will study courses like General Chemistry I, General Chemistry II, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Linear Algebra, Materials and Energy Balance, Engineering Communication, Engineering Chemistry, Weather and Climate, Engineering Biology, Linear Differential Equations, and Boundary Value Problems, Probability, and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers, etc.

Category : Graduate

BSc in Computer Science -
-- The Computer Science program gives students a thorough exposure to basic areas like computer architecture, programming languages and methodology, algorithms and data structures, systems programming, operating systems and networking, knowledge-based and database systems, software engineering, and theory.The student will develop the advanced practical computing and problem-solving skills required for professional work in modern industry, based on a strong conceptual foundation and on insights into the nature of this rapidly changing field. Each student will use advanced development tools and will be encouraged to approach problem-solving from a multidisciplinary point of view The program emphasizes direct co-operation with industry.

Category : Undergraduate

Bsc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology -
-- The program combines the rigor of chemistry with the fascination of living systems and is, therefore, the traditional major for students with biomedical interests.The goal of biochemistry and molecular biology is to understand how simple, inanimate molecular interactions support life. Students begin their studies with a broad set of courses in the natural sciences. In the second year, biochemistry is introduced, leading to third-year explorations of DNA, the blueprint of life, proteins, the machines that make the bodies work, and a wide range of other molecular topics. The BCMB major also includes extensive training in practical laboratory skills, such as DNA fingerprinting, which are essential for careers in the natural sciences, criminal forensics, laboratory technician programs, and a variety of industries. One of the outstanding features of the BCMB program is the opportunity to work in research labs from the first day on campus. The program also helps students to achieve their career goals by encouraging minors in other disciplines.

Category : Undergraduate

Bsc In Forest Ecology and Management -
-- The Forest Ecology and Management degree provides students with a thorough understanding of the science, philosophy, and practice of managing forested ecosystems. Through study and active learning experiences, students will obtain a consistent and broad background in course work that encompasses foundational and integrative topics. Students will also be encouraged to challenge conventional knowledge paradigms and approaches to forest management. Students will study courses like Microeconomics, Introduction to Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Communications in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Weather and Climate, Terrestrial Ecological Classification, Resource Inventories and Measurements, Natural Resources, Environmental Issues, and Public Engagement, Disturbance Ecology and Forest Health, etc.

Category : Undergraduate

BSc in Wildlife and Fisheries -
-- The BSc in Wildlife and Fisheries provides students with a solid foundation in wildlife and fisheries biology, with considerable indoor and outdoor laboratory experience.It exposes students to an integrated approach to resource issues that confront today's professionals. The combination of theoretical and applied ecology with practical labs and exercises in the Wildlife and Fisheries degree gives students the background to pursue post-graduate studies and public- and private-sector employment in the wildlife or fisheries professions. Students completing all courses in the Wildlife and Fisheries degree meet the education requirements for eligibility as a Registered Professional Biologist (RPBio) in BC .

Category : Undergraduate


4-year or 3-year Bachelor's degree with a teachable major or two teachable minors plus 30 additional credit hours of university-transferable coursework.(2.33 GPA)

UNBC Housing is a dynamic environment where opportunities to engage others, have fun, strive for academic success and feel like part of a community are paramount.Take advantage of UNBC Housing's 7-Day All-You-Care-to-Eat Meal Plan and see why UNBC is one's best choice for where to go to school! Their meal plan provides with unlimited access to healthy, hot and ready meals that will suit every schedule and meal preferences.

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