Blogs - Is COVID -19 Affecting Studying In Abroad?

Is COVID -19 Affecting Studying In Abroad?

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The whole world is facing a pandemic at the moment. With reference to the sources, the last pandemic occurred in 1920 that victimized and killed thousands of people from all over the globe. Badly hit by Corona Virus, named as COVID-19, nearly two-hundred thousand people have lost their lives, and more than 3 million people have been victimized. The number is increasing sharply every moment.  


The Threat of COVID-19


The present condition has been a threat for the human inhabitance on this planet of ours. Certainly, it has affected the normal lifestyle due to the declaration of complete lockdown globally. The governments of almost all the countries on this planet have imposed lockdown that has forced people to stay indoors. Without a doubt, COVID-19 has restricted everyone, and the students are no exception. The restrictions have made the leading educational consultants in Kolkata worried about the future course of their business. 


The Whole World Suffers: 


Certainly, the situation is grim as the leading countries, like the United States, China, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Israel, and more.  As far as the possibilities of studying abroad are concerned, the situation does not allow it at all. In the opinion of the scientists, it may take some time to control the pandemic as no medicine or vaccine is available anywhere in the world. However, they have been working day and night to find the best treatment for COVID-19. Though the doctors are using some of the available medicines and technologies to provide treatment to the victims, they are not sure about their 100% success.




Keeping in touch with the leading Education Consultancy in Kolkata can keep you updated about the possibilities. The consultancy stays in direct contact with the top overseas education consultancy to take stock of the situation so that it can do the needful whenever the things start getting normal.  


Is Corona Virus Affecting Studying Broad? 


To some extent, the answer to this question is ‘Yes.’ Assessing the grave consequences of the pandemic, you cannot take any risk at all. To be more realistic, communicating with the officials at the top universities is virtually impossible as most of the institutions are closed due to lockdown. It is up to the respective governments when they call the lockdown off and allow them to work normally. However, you must understand the severity of the situation before losing all hope.


What to Do In The Meanwhile?  


Get yourself ready to complete all the formalities when the top universities start their admission procedure. You should keep in touch with the local consultancy for its assistance to get you ready to study abroad. You must accept that preparing all the documents for the admissions is not easy, as it takes quite some time to get them ready. Still, you need to wait for the Std. XII exam results as most of the boards have yet to complete the due exams that have been postponed due to the outbreak of the pandemic.


The Bottom Line: 


Without losing your heart or courage, you must get yourself ready for the admissions in case you are planning to study in top universities in Germany, the US, the UK, Canada, and other prominent destinations.

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